Welcome to Minnesota Career Solutions! Started in September 2010 with one staff, and continuing to grow. We specialize in employment and career solutions that are customized to each job seeker’s skills, interests, preferences, and experience. Services are individualized to each job seeker and utilize a person centered approach for providing services. Our experience in building relationships with businesses enables us to offer individuals unrivaled access to the job market. Whether you are looking for a career, want to start a business, or gain access to qualified applicants our trained staff can help you meet your goals!
CARF International accreditation demonstrates a program’s quality, transparency, and commitment to the satisfaction of the persons served. CARF International is an independent, not-for-profit accreditor of human service providers in the areas of Aging Services, Behavioral Health, Child and Youth Services, Durable Medical Equipment, Employment and Community Services, Medical Rehabilitation, and Opioid Treatment Programs. (888) 281-6531.
MISSION: To provide quality career services to individuals with barriers to employment.
VISION: To be a leader in the career services field and provider of choice for individuals with barriers to employment.
PO Box 381 New Prague, MN 56071